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2018 Douglas County PMR

Revised Floodplain Mapping Effective December 2, 2021

Audience in a meeting with FEMA logo, probably an emergency management or disaster preparedness event.

A Virtual Open House for the 2018 Douglas County PMR was held November 9, 2021 for portions of the Town of Parker and Unincorporated Douglas County.    

For a copy of the Open House presentation, click here.

To view a recording of the presentation, click here.

A dry riverbed under a bridge with sparse vegetation.
Getting the Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD) information on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) helps residents and business owners make informed decisions about personal safety and protecting financial assets. Having current flood mapping also allows community planners, local officials, engineers, builders and others to make determinations about where and how new structures, subdivisions, developments, and redevelopments should be built to reduce risk of flood damage. 
Terms and DefinitionsMapping Process GraphicMap Revision or Appeal?How to Request a Map Amendment
Preliminary Mapping Revision 
Newlin Gulch Flood Hazard Area Delineation 

Estimate Project Timeline (subject to change)

Timeline with milestones from 2018 to 2021 related to data processing, meetings, draft database, releases, outreach, and predictions.

Have more questions?
Your community Floodplain Administrator is the best source of information about flood risk.

Douglas County
Janet Herman

Town of Parker
Michael Grabczyk