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Colorado E. Coli Symposium – March 12th Registration now open!

February 15, 2019

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), the Colorado Stormwater Council, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, and the Big Dry Creek Watershed Association are co-sponsoring a one-day symposium focused on approaches to address water quality impairments in Colorado due to elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria (E. coli). Our planning committee has lined up an excellent group of knowledgeable speakers, including representatives from the Colorado Water Quality Control Division, EPA Region 8, local governments and consultants. The symposium will provide practical information for local governments and others working to identify and reduce E. coli sources as a result of existing or future Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). The lunchtime keynote speaker will be Dr. Orin Shanks of EPA Office of Research Development who will present the most current information on microbial source tracking and provide some example applications from around the U.S.
The conference will be held at the Arvada Center. Thanks to the support from CDPHE, the conference cost is only $30 ($10 for students). Space is limited. See the link below to view the draft agenda and register. We hope to see you there!

Draft agenda and registration