Recent Updates to BMP-REALCOST and UD-Culvert

Arial waterway
January 4, 2018

Recent Updates to BMP-REALCOST and UD-Culvert
BMP-REALCOST, UDFCD’s tool for evaluating whole life cycle cost of BMPs, has been significantly improved with the following updates:

  • Rainfall statistics per NOAA Atlas 2,Volume 14;
  • Land use runoff and BMP effluent EMCs per the latest information from the International BMP Database,
  • Volumetric runoff coefficients based on WQ-COSM analysis,
  • Volume reduction for bioretention and EDBs based on SWMM analysis,
  • Maintenance costs based on local experience, and
  • Default land value costs based on 2016 Denver tax assessors database.

In addition to this list of updates, E. Coli was added to the list of constituents for evaluation and a revised user’s guide including equation documentation is now available.
A new version of UD-Culvert is also available on our software page. Version 3.05 includes a minor correction to the calculation of the downstream soil covered depth on the profile tab.
All our software and workbook tools can be downloaded from here.

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