Upcoming Events

Join us for upcoming educational opportunities highlighting new criteria, software, and best design practices.  

Introduction to Mile High Flood District’s SCM Design Workbook – Recorded Webinar

This webinar recording features the Mile High Flood District’s SCM Design workbook that replaced the UD-BMP workbook and assists in design of stormwater control measures (SCMs) using the Urban Stormwater Design Criteria Manual (USDCM) Volume 3 Chapter 4 – Treatment SCMs update that was issued in March 2024. The goal of this webinar is to equip designers and reviewers with a fundamental understanding of how the workbook functions.

You will learn:

1.          Workbook Overview: Learn about the content and functionality of the new SCM Design Workbook.
2.          Basic Design Examples: Walk through basic design examples using the workbook.


SCM Design Office Hours 

Submit or bring questions and have them answered in an informal collaborative setting.  If no questions arise, we will work through example designs. 
Please submit your Office Hours questions to Candice Owen cowen@mhfd.org
To join an Office Hours meeting, please add the event to your calendar by clicking on the ‘Add to calendar’ link and then click on the Teams link in the event at the specified day/time.

Currently Scheduled Office Hours:

Volume 3 Chapter 4 SCM Treatment Update Webinars/Videos – Coming Soon! 

These webinars will focus on specific topics related to stormwater control measure (SCM) design criteria in the USDCM chapter update.  

Anticipated webinar/pre-recorded topics include: 

What’s new with Chapter 4 of Volume 3? Overview of Changes – Upfront Sections 

  • What’s new with Chapter 4 of Volume 3? Overview of Changes – Fact Sheets 
  • Receiving pervious areas (RPAs)  
  • Introduction to Filtration and Infiltration Systems  
  • Subsurface Exploration – Initial Assessment  
  • Subsurface Exploration – Final Design 

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