Physical Map Revision: 8-Floodplain Study

Revised Floodplain Mapping Effective September 4, 2020

Virtual Open houses were held August 12th and 13th for Portions of Centennial and Unincorporated Arapahoe County

For a copy of the Open House presentation, click here

8-Floodplain Study

From 2013 to 2014, Mile High Flood District (MHFD) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began a cooperative effort to get a number of locally developed Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD) studies incorporated into the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).  A Risk Mapping Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) project that used the Physical Map Revision (PMR) process would revise the FIRMs.  The FHADs had been produced to identify and update flood risk potential and floodplain boundaries.

The 8-Floodplain Study region consists of eight drainage basins that include the following streams:

  • Happy Canyon Creek
  • Badger Gulch
  • Green Acres Tributary
  • Senac Creek (Downstream of Aurora Reservoir)
  • Toll Gate Creek
  • Lower East Toll Gate Creek (Downstream of Hampden)
  • West Toll Gate Creek
  • Unnamed Creek
  • Cherry Creek (Downstream of Cherry Creek Dam)
  • Littles Creek
  • Marston Lake North Drainageway

Getting the FHAD information on the FIRMs help residents and business owners make informed decisions about personal safety and protecting financial assets. Having current flood mapping also allows community planners, local officials, engineers, builders and others to make determinations about where and how new structures, subdivisions, developments, and redevelopments should be built to reduce risk of flood damage.

Physical Map Revision: 8-Floodplain Study

Here is a list of materials that can help you learn more about the studies and their potential impact on your property.

Terms and Definitions

Need-to-Know for Map Changes

How flood map changes may affect your property and insurance requirements.

Insurance for Renters

Flood Insurance for Renters Fact Sheet.

Flood Insurance Questions

What to ask your insurance agent.

Flood Insurance Basics

One Page Flood Risk and Flood Insurance Basics.

Agent Guide to Grandfather Rule

Guide to options for structures with increased risk.

Mapping Process Graphic

Flood Risk Mapping Process within Mile High Flood District.

Mapping Process FAQs

Local Floodplains to Flood Insurance Rate Maps within Mile High Flood District.

How to Request a Map Amendment

Process to determine if a building is in a lower flood risk area.

Map Revision or Appeal?

Differences between a map revision and an appeal of flood map changes.

Estimate Project Timeline (subject to change)

8-Floodplain Study Timeline

Have more questions?

Your community Floodplain Administrator is the best source of information about flood risk.

Arapahoe County
Mr. Chuck Haskins

City of Aurora
Mr. Craig Perl

City of Centennial
Ms. Stacey Thompson

City and County of Denver
Mr. Jeremy Hamer

Douglas County
Ms. Janet Herman

City of Glendale
Mr. Josh Bertrand

City of Littleton
Ms. Carolyn Roan

City of Lone Tree
Mr. Jacob James

Town of Parker
Michael Grabczyk


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