Cherry Creek Restoration Project

Child playing on rocks near river

About the Project

The Cherry Creek Restoration Project is a collaborative project between the Mile High Flood District, the City and County of Denver, Arapahoe County, the Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority, and Denver Water to restore a one-mile reach of the Cherry Creek corridor between South Quebec Street and East Iliff Avenue. Currently, the stream is experiencing severe erosion, resulting in 10 to 20-foot deep vertical banks, degraded vegetation, and risk for significant damages to the trail and adjacent roadway.

The purpose of the Cherry Creek Restoration Project is to enhance stream function, safety, aesthetic, and ecologic health of the corridor.  Once complete, the Cherry Creek corridor will provide the following amenities:

  • Open space for passive and active recreation
  • Local pedestrian connectivity from the adjacent community to the stream corridor
  • Regional pedestrian mobility between Denver, Arapahoe County, and Douglas County
  • Improved ecological process
  • Enhanced habitat for aquatics and plants
  • Healthy and stable stream to protect people and property from flood hazards
  • Enhanced water quality

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Barbara Chongtoua at 303-455-6277 or

Construction is ongoing with an anticipated completion date of August/September 2021. Nick Ochs will be the construction project manager. He is available for questions at 303-562-2000 or

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